Swap Meet

Swap Meet Sign-Ups

Got some old anime stuff you don’t want anymore? Maybe you’re just looking for a killer deal on some gently used anime goods? Stop by the SacAnime Swap Meet, where one otaku’s trash is another one’s treasure!

Please note that swap meet spots are not intended to be used as a replacement for a vendor or artist table. The items you offer should be your own personal possessions, not items packaged specifically for resale. Multiple quantities of items will not be allowed

Swap Meet Sign Ups go live this fall. Please check the website for any new updates,

Sign Up


Seller Guidelines

  • You must be 18 years or older to sell at the SacAnime Swap Meet. Minor children (under 18 years of age), who are under the parental supervision or guardianship of the sellers, may enter the seller’s assigned space.
  • You must have a valid registration for AT LEAST Friday to participate in the Swap Meet.
  • Individuals with SacAnime Industry, Guest, Press, and Dealer badges are prohibited from selling at the Swap Meet.
  • Official stores and dealers, as well as their employees, are prohibited from selling at the Swap Meet.
  • You may personally only register for one space, and a maximum of two people may share a space.
  • You will only be able to sell items at your assigned space. You cannot have someone else register an additional space for you to sell items from, nor can you share another seller’s space.
  • You or your partner must be present in your assigned space the entire duration of the Swap Meet, or until you have decided to close up for the evening. If both sellers have left a registered space, we will consider the space closed and you will not be allowed to return that evening.

Goods Guidelines

  • Adult Materials: A maximum of 1 Long Box (L 27.25 x W 7.5 x H 10.8) of Adult Material is permitted, and it must be covered with a lid and clearly marked indicating the contents. The seller must verify government-issued IDs of all customers to ensure they are 18 years of age or older before they are allowed to look at Adult Materials. The sale of Adult Material to Minors is strictly prohibited.
  • Unlicensed, bootleg, or counterfeit goods are prohibited (e.g. SM, Everanime, Aliors, Elfin, fansubs, etc.).
  • Art commissions and the sale of personally created items at Swap Meet are prohibited (limited quantities of doujinshi and cosplay items excepted).
  • The sale of all real weapons and explosives is prohibited. Additionally, any prop weapons (which are suitably realistic enough that they could be mistaken for a real weapon) are also prohibited.
  • You must have ALL items with you when you check in, and you will not be permitted to bring in additional goods after you have been escorted to your space at the Swap Meet.
  • Shelving, clothing racks, tables, and anything which might block or obscure the view of other vendors, buyers, security, or staff, may be allowed at Swap Meet staff discretion. Do not assume that your item will be approved.
  • Pinning items to the wall is strictly prohibited. Paper products may be attached to the wall using quick release tape only. (i.e. Painters tape, Frog Tape). Swap Meet staff may have tape available, and you must notify them if you are planning on taping to the wall, so they may inspect and approve.

All participant items for sale will be searched by staff prior to setup, and Swap Meet staff reserves the right to prohibit the sale of items deemed to be in violation of the guidelines. SacAnime makes no guarantee of sales, nor the authenticity of items offered by participants.

For questions or concerns, please contact: sacanimeswapmeet@gmail.com

Updates about the Swap Meet…